Implementation of the Government’s response to the Independent Scientific Panel Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in Western Australia

An independent Scientific Inquiry was carried out to understand the risks associated with extracting petroleum products using Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation and to protect the State’s environment from those risks. On 12 September 2018, the Inquiry handed its Report to Government.

After carefully considering the Inquiry Report, the WA Government has responded by accepting in-principle the Inquiry’s recommendations and announcing a raft of new, world-class controls as detailed in its Implementation Plan.

The Plan was approved by Government on 8 July 2019 and outlines the required changes and actions that need to be undertaken.

Find out more about the Implementation Plan.


Government’s Response to WA Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation Inquiry
Locked Bag 100, East Perth WA 6892