Investigate data requirements to estimate additional GHG emissions, and develop a policy framework setting out Government’s expectations for GHG offsets for proposals assessed under Part IV of the EP Act.
The State Government approved the publication of the Monitoring, mitigation and offsetting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for hydraulic fracturing proposals in Western Australia position paper on 22 December 2021.
The position paper closes Action 10 of the Government’s Implementation Plan.
The Government’s Position Paper on Monitoring, mitigation and offsetting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for hydraulic fracturing proposals in Western Australia was released on 22 December 2021.
This completes Implementation Plan Action 10.
A Position Paper on GHG emission avoidance, mitigation and offsets is under development for Government approval to release. At this stage, it is envisaged that the Position Paper will be released in November 2021.
In view of data limitations and the release of the State Government Greenhouse Gas Emissions Policy for Major Projects, further consideration is being given to alignment of relevant policy settings. Accordingly, the target completion date for this action has been revised to August 2020.
Draft report, outlining data requirements to estimate additional greenhouse gas emissions, is under development.
Investigation of the data requirements, and scoping of the policy framework necessary to estimate GHG emissions has commenced.
Discussions on data requirements with National Inventory Systems experts is ongoing.