Develop a hydraulic fracturing stakeholder engagement and consultation guide covering whole of project lifecycle for industry and Government.
The Government’s response to stakeholder feedback about the Proposed Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Guide (consultation paper) for projects undertaking hydraulic fracturing activities, was released 14 October 2020.
This completes the Implementation Plan Action 4.
The addition of the feedback regarding stakeholder engagement to the Guideline for the Development of Petroleum and Geothermal Environment Plans in Western Australia (EP Guideline) will address stakeholder engagement and consultation requirements relating to hydraulic fracturing activities. It also seeks to ensure a registered holder of a petroleum title develops and implements a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy, which includes communication and engagement with stakeholders as a priority at the earliest opportunity and throughout every stage of the life cycle of a petroleum project associated with hydraulic fracturing.
The Western Australian Government thanks all stakeholders for their feedback received during the public consultation period.
Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety is currently examining stakeholder feedback for consideration by the State Government.
The target completion date, initially revised to February 2020, has been further extended. This is due to the extension of the submission period and submissions received.
A response to feedback will be published on the Implementation Plan website following due consideration.
On 19 December 2019, the WA Government released the Proposed Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Guide – Public Consultation Paper for public comment and feedback with a closing date for submissions of 31 January 2020*. The paper details the proposed addition to the Guideline for the Development of Petroleum and Geothermal Environment Plans in Western Australia to address stakeholder engagement expectations relating to hydraulic fracturing.
The addition seeks to ensure a registered holder, of a petroleum title within ‘an existing petroleum authority area’, develops and implements a specific hydraulic fracturing Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. This will ensure communication and engagement with stakeholders is a priority at the earliest opportunity and throughout every stage of the lifecycle of a petroleum project which associated with hydraulic fracturing.
*Consultation period extended to 16 February 2020.
Draft hydraulic fracturing stakeholder engagement and consultation guide is being developed.
Note: The completion date for this action has been revised to ensure alignment with actions 5a and 5b relating to Traditional Owner and private landowner consent requirements.